Monday, June 8, 2009

My Caela

Well, I can't believe it but my baby Caela is 14 and going to graduate from the 8th grade at the homeschool conference. It hardly seems possible that the tiny 4lbs. 15oz baby girl that I brought home from the hospital is almost as big as me.

Time sure does pass by so quickly. I have hardly had time to let it sink in, that my baby, this baby, that was so tiny, fragile and mine is on the brink of womanhood. It has been a blessing in so many ways.

As many of you know a daughter is like having a window into your own soul. I can't thank God enough for that, I think that I have learned more as her mother than she has learned as my daughter. She I hope reflects the best parts of me and at times I see her reflect the worst parts, but we get to work on those together.

She has such a passion for God and strives always to do his will. She puts me to shame most of the time, the kid does her devotions every day no matter what. I need to be more like her.

Yet even though she tries so hard to be grown up she is still just a kid and I am glad that she can still be one. I love her dearly and am glad to share a piece of her with all of you.


  1. Thanks for sharing. It's so great to see the good things of God working in our children, but the human-ness of our weaknesses is not so fun.

  2. Oh, Caela! Happy birthday, sweet girl. It's amazing what they teach us, isn't it? Such a wonderful gift to be able to tell them what they have taught us over the years, especially the first children we have. They give us a crash course in parenting. :)
