Tuesday, May 12, 2009

Superman Complex or Super Man Complex

As many of you know this past month and a half have had many storms for us as a couple and a family. With Chris out of work and our landlord in danger of forclosure our lives have been extremely uncertain in many ways. Through it all it amazed me how Chris seemed to be completely unscathed by any of this. He was certain that we would be ok and it really appeared that nothing was truly getting to him. It is nice to have a man so strong and in control as an emotionally driven woman, but I was starting to worry that me being so uncertain was going to somehow make my man crumble. I kept pushing him to talk to me and tell me what was going on with him and maybe what direction he thought he might go in the work department; he really wanted to get out of the real estate market, understandable considering. Well I finally go my wish. Thursday night my Superman or so I thought was human to me. It seems as though I have allowed myself to see my husband as something more than human. I have no doubt that my husband is a "Super Man," he is not "Superman." I am greatful of God's ever so gentle and subtle reminders. As I realized I don't allow myself to be part of my husbands vulnerability, I am truly missing out on one of God's most precious blessings. God created man in his own image: strong, capable, protective, dangerous, wild, and lets not forget loving, sensitive, warm and safe. God is faithful to his word and he does work things out for the good of those who love him. So I guess what I learned is that maybe the whole "Superman Complex," was mine all along. LLove and Peace to you all.

1 comment:

  1. I tend to think my husband is super man too, although he strongly disagrees. I tell him, well, just let me think that, as it helps keep my confidence up in many areas. Realizing though, that God is his strength, as He is mine.
