Tuesday, April 7, 2009

A woman once fretted over the usefulness of her life. She feared she was wasting her potential being a devoted wife and mother.

She wondered if the time and energy she invested in her husband and children would make a difference. At times she got discouraged, because so much of what she did seemed to go unnoticed and unappreciated.

“Is it worth it?” she often wondered, “Is there something better that I could be doing with my time?”

It was during these moments of questioning that she heard the still, small voice of her heavenly Father speak to her heart.

“You are a wife and a mother because that is what I have called you to be. Much of what you do is hidden from public eye,

But I notice.

Most of what you give is done without remuneration,

But I am your reward.

Your husband can not be the man I have called him to be without your support. Your influence upon him is greater than you think and more powerful than you will ever know. I bless him through your service and honor him through your love.

Your children are precious to Me, even more precious than they are to you. I have entrusted them to your care, to raise them for Me. What you invest in them is an offering to Me. You may never be in the public spotlight, but your obedience shines as a bright light before Me.

Continue on.

Remember you are My servant

Do all to please Me.”

Author Unknown

What ever you do, work at it with all your heart, as working for the Lord, not for men, since you know that you will receive an inheritance from the Lord as a reward. It is the Lord Christ you are serving. Colossians 3:23,24

My Cousin Jamie inspired me to share in the interest of helping all of the moms feel a little more satisfaction in our daily duties. I have read this poem, that I received in a Mother's day e-card from my mother, everyday for three years. I now know it pretty much by heart but I still need reminding . I printed it on a decorative paper and framed it, it hangs in a very promonent spot in my kitchen. It did speak to my heart and I began to look at my life with new eyes. I found that if I kept my focus on Him, cleaning the same spot of the kitchen floor 20 times a day didn't seem to bother me as much. But most of all I have learned to keep the lines of communication open between God and myself. I veiw everything I do as a way to worship him. As with anything some days go better than others but just realizing that I am doing dishes, laundry, sweeping, mopping, and disciplining all for the Lord and his glory not mine was encouraging. So whenever the feeling of self-doubt shows its ugly little head I read this poem and know that God knew what he was doing when he put me here.


  1. I love this poem! I'm so excited that you're going to be blogging more. What a wonderful way to keep up with your family. Blessings, Jamie

  2. Thanks for sharing, I enjoy reading blogs, so update when you can. You can access mine from my facebook page if you haven't already. Love, Rach
