Friday, January 7, 2011

Happy New Year From the Foxden!

Happy New Year from the Foxes!!!!!

Well as another year begins I remember my good intentions to send out a Christmas Card has come and gone once again.

Thank you all the family members who continually send us a card each year.

So this year has been quite an adventure for our family.

Chris and I were both in school full time this last year.  Since he was out of work we decided to take that time and finish our educations.  Chris is 9 months away from finishing his Bachelor's Degree in Criminal Justice minoring in Political Science.  His long term hope is to work for a federal agency, but we pray for God's will for our family first.  I will be finished with my AA in Special Education in May, I will continue with my Bachelor's when Chris is finished and we find out if he will be moving us due to being hired with a federal agency, I am hoping.

The kids are growing fast, I wish I could find a way to slow them down.

Caela is 15 and a half, and is in 10th grade. She has her permit and we are all still alive. Poor thing she has to learn how to drive on the family Excursion which of course is HUGE. She is doing great in her studies and I couldn't live my life without her, she is my right hand and sometimes brain.


Cori is 14.  She is an amazing artist and young lady.  She is in 9th grade this year. She is also a great student and a great help to me. I call her my left hand and sometimes brain. Considering I have been in school full time, homeschooling and keeping up with daily mom work there is no way I could do it without these two most wonderful young women that God has blessed us with.

 Caesi is 11 and has passed up her sisters in the height department and is now our tallest child.  She is well on her way to following in her two older sisters footsteps to become a great young lady as well.  She is in 6th grade this year and can't wait to be part of the teen group. She is working hard at school and at play still.  She does an excellent job and keeping track of her little brother running around outside.

Codee is 10 and is tyring to grow up too fast.  It is hard for her to walk in the shadow of her three big sisters.  However, she is well on her way to becoming just like them.  She is in 5th grade and working very hard at school. We can't wait to see what her talents are and how we can help direct her to become the women that God wants her to be.


Carisa is 8 and is the princess of our little clan.  She can be found somewhere in the house with a princess costume on, dressing her cat Sassy.  She loves animals and wants all of them as well.  She has a heart of gold and frequently brings our family to tears by reminding us of why God gave us each other.  She is in 3rd grade this year. She is learning fast, but seems in no hurry to grow up.

Gabe is 5 and is my little man and daddy's little buddy.  He is in kindergarten this year and loves it most of the time.  He very rarely lets me leave the house alone because I need to have a boy with me to protect me. Thank goodness he has not asked to bring his new BB gun with us to protect me. He adds such a unique dynamic to our family and has me saying things that I never thought I would say in my life.


So far this year has started out with a bang.  God has provided for us once again as he always does. Chris was rehired for the title company that laid him off almost two years ago.  We are very grateful that He has provided for us once again and always in His perfect time.  So it looks like this year will be another great adventure.  I will be pretty much on my own holding down the fort as he works full time and takes 6 classes this semester.  Thank goodness I have my girls and a husband willing to sacrifice so much for our family.  We thank and praise God for his goodness and provisions this last year and can't wait to see what He has in store for us this year.  We know it will be great.

God Bless,
The Foxes
Chris, Gina, Caela, Cori, Caesi, Codee, Carisa, and Gabe