Monday, October 18, 2010

The Joys of a Home Schooling Home

Well it seems as though the road of home schooling that we have been traveling on has passed a gigantic mile stone.

What is it you might ask?

Well it is bitter sweet for this Mom let me tell you.

Drum roll and cymbals crash!

Yes, Our last child has started kindergarten and has jumped into learning.  Since it is Gabriel, I literally mean JUMPED!  He jumps off of everything.

At our house kindergarten brings with it a ton of transformations, since it is an extremely hands on learning experience in our home. 

Gabe's latest fascination is making words with the magnet letters on the refrigerator. We started with the important things first. Names, I love how he put them in order, he came up with it all on his own.  Well, maybe family Bible time helped.  But it was a great lesson to talk about when he was done, anyway. 

Ahhh, the beauty of home school, every moment is a teachable moment.

The kids love it!  Seriously moms just keep saying it, like a mantra.  Since when they become teenagers they roll their teenage eyes at these most wonderful moments.

This is his latest creation. CUBSKISSHIDEIGLOOFOX or for those of us who can't read that, it says cubs-kiss-hide-igloo-fox.  None of us know why he wanted those words but he did.  The best part is when he showed his daddy. 

Gabe: "Daddy, look at the word I made."
Dad: "Wow, did you do it all by yourself?"
Gabe: "No, Mom and Cori are telling me the letters but I am doing all the work."
Dad: "Oh, OK, Good Job Buddy."

Well this concludes this bittersweet Mommy moment.  Hope you all enjoyed it as much as I did.

Thursday, October 14, 2010

Sitting and Waiting

I don't know about any of you but I am usually a pretty patient person, or so I have been told. 

I must admit I usually don't mind sitting and waiting, I usually find the time relaxing. I mean after all how much time does a home schooling mom of 6 really have to just sit and not do anything.  Of course as I am sitting I am inevitably thinking about the Ten thousand things on my TO DO list that I never seem to get close to finishing.

*side note: I used to love making lists until I figured out that every time I crossed something off my list I added two more things to the list.*

In these moments that I am forced by what ever outside force is making (or more likely God is using to make) me take a break for the moment, I find replenishment.
My husband finds this irritating, I am not sure why.

But I digress...

It seems as though I am getting tired of sitting and waiting.

It has been a year and a half since Chris was laid off.  There have been many interviews and even job offers, but they have been put on hold because of finances.  It has definitely been a time of God's provisions in our lives.  He has come through in so many ways and always with His perfect timing.  I know that the same is true with a job for my husband, but boy I am sick of sitting and waiting.

I know that all of you wives know what I mean by this.  You know how your husband coming home from work early is GREAT but it really throws off your grove.  Mind you I am not complaining, I know that many of my friends are only wishing they could be with their husbands who are serving over seas, thank you by the way for your sacrifice.  However, I am getting really tired of not having my grove (yes, I am a control freak) in case you had not already figured that out.  I WANT and NEED to miss my husband.

OK, so maybe that is the lesson that God is trying to teach me, but I thought that he already taught me that lesson and I thought that I had learned it. I know that He is in control and I am in His hands.  I can't tell you though I am really ready for Him to reveal Himself to our family.

What job will Chris get?  Should we stay in Arizona or should we move?  How much longer do we have to wait for you good and perfect will?  Not that I wouldn't wait forever, but I want to miss my husband even though I know I will cry when he goes back to work.

I know I am Crazy but I already told you that.

I guess I will just have to find some new meaning to sitting and waiting.

Be still and know that I am God. Ps 46:

Wednesday, September 29, 2010

Starting a Company

For quite sometime now my husband has wanted to get me LLC'd.  While I love the idea of running my own family business, but OH THE WORK!  However, we have the lawyer, we have the paper work, we have the money, now all we need is a the name.

Hmmmm! What does a woman name her company that she would like to run with her 5 daugthers.  We would be making all sorts of wonerful crafts like personalized throw pillows.  Turn old t-shirts, baby's favorite blanket, into a pillow that they can keep, or turn cool t shirts into a blanket.  So basically we take your cool old stuff and turn it into something new and just as cool.  We will also make new stuff too, we crochet and sew and we love it, plus we can all do it together. 

I must admit I might take forever to come up with a name because I am just not ready to start a company. Oh who knows.  God please help.

Thursday, June 17, 2010

Fox Family Update

I don't know what it is that keeps me from blogging.  I read so many blogs everyday yet I never seem to find the time to write in my own. I always find so much peace here.  So here is the update on our family.

Our last birthday is next Wednesday. Gabriel wraps up the kids birthday mayhem that I deal with every year. 

Which was a real joy this year while I was packing and moving.

My poor daughters had to make their own cupcakes (they loved it) but, they won't let mommy live it down that mommy's baby boy got this.


Now, I always make each of my kids birthdays special even if it kills me but, I must say some of them are much easier to please than others.  Note: there is not even frosting on her cupcake. Just the way she likes it. 15 candles didn't fit on it either which she was very happy about.

Chris and I are still in school full time, even over the summer.  I must say that he is much crazier than I am as he is doing double classes both summer sessions. Unfortunately for me summer school is leaving me little time to unpack, plus we downsized quite a bit so finding new ways to make it all fit with the few hours I have has been interesting so hopefully this weekend I will be able to get it finished and post some pictures next week.

Saturday, May 22, 2010

We are moving, Finally,

So it is finally official. The Fox family has a new address at least for the next year anyway. The thought of moving again in a year makes my stomach crawl but God is, and will be with me always.  Please pray that God will give me strength and energy, moving is exhausting (as all you women know).

So I decided that I would give myself a little reminder and refresher. This is something that I posted in April of '09 but since I packed my hard copy already this is the only one that I had to read.

A woman once fretted over the usefulness of her life. She feared she was wasting her potential being a devoted wife and mother.

She wondered if the time and energy she invested in her husband and children would make a difference. At times she got discouraged, because so much of what she did seemed to go unnoticed and unappreciated.

“Is it worth it?” she often wondered, “Is there something better that I could be doing with my time?”

It was during these moments of questioning that she heard the still, small voice of her heavenly Father speak to her heart.

“You are a wife and a mother because that is what I have called you to be. Much of what you do is hidden from public eye,

But I notice.

Most of what you give is done without remuneration,

But I am your reward.

Your husband can not be the man I have called him to be without your support. Your influence upon him is greater than you think and more powerful than you will ever know. I bless him through your service and honor him through your love.

Your children are precious to Me, even more precious than they are to you. I have entrusted them to your care, to raise them for Me. What you invest in them is an offering to Me. You may never be in the public spotlight, but your obedience shines as a bright light before Me.

Continue on.

Remember you are My servant

Do all to please Me.”

Author Unknown

What ever you do, work at it with all your heart, as working for the Lord, not for men, since you know that you will receive an inheritance from the Lord as a reward. It is the Lord Christ you are serving. Colossians 3:23,24

Thursday, May 13, 2010

The Big Date

Not many mothers in this world are as lucky as I am. My precious son, has been anxiously waiting for mommy to be done with school so that he could "Take me to a date."

The money has been sitting on my night stand patiently waiting. 4 quarters, 4 dimes, 4 nickels, and 4 pennies, yes 4 of everything because that is how old he is.

He has had it planned out for three months now. First we have to go eat at his favorite restaurant in the whole wide world. Can you guess where we are?

You guess it! Costco it is, for pizza , a hot dog and a churro. Daddy gave him some money so that he could pay for our date. It was sooo cute. 

Isn't he so cute?

Next it was time to go to the Lego store for mommy to buy him some Lego's.  Mommy has no clue about Lego's, that is daddy's thing so this is going to be an adventure. To Gabriel any store with a Lego aisle is the Lego store so mommy took him to Walmart.  The Chandler Fashion Center is far. He was very excited because daddy has never taken him to that Lego store, it was lots of fun.

Then it was time to come home. Mommy's truck was very dirty so we decided to get it washed. It was quite enlightening as he explained to me everything that the machines were doing. He is so smart when it comes to mechanical things.

We had a great time, and made memories to last me a lifetime. I know that one day I will not be the woman in his life. I hope and pray that God blesses him with an amazing woman of God to take my place. What a blessing this little man is to me and my life.

Saturday, April 24, 2010

Please help us pray.

Ok so I should really not be blogging right now but I just can't help it. I love it! It really is the best therapy.

Now to why I am here.

As many of you heard, our landlord has been trying for some months now to short sale the home we are renting. He finally failed a month ago and the house foreclosed. We have to move only there are a few hick-ups.

#1.) Chris is still unemployed and looking for a job
#2.) We have no clue where we want to live except we know we want to move out of the Queen Creek/San Tan Valley area.
#3.) This is a good one. We just found out that Chris has a 401K account from when he worked at Intel (5 years ago) worth a great deal of money. Praise the Lord for this one we were so surprised and grateful.
#4.) Chris interviewed for a job in Florence (hey at this point a job is a job), after the interview he was approached by one of the interviewers who informed him that there was a job that would be opening up in her town. She is the HR manager for the Coolidge Police department. She told Chris to call the Lt. that was doing all of the interviewing.
#5.) Chirs interviewed for the job on Monday and the Lt. started all of the background stuff that same day. It sounds like this might be a promising possibility.
#6.) If he gets the job we would need to live in Coolidge or Casa Grande. This is fine with us, but here is the kicker. We have to be out of this house by May 28 and we don't really want to commit to living in Coolidge or Casa Grande until we know if he gets the job so here is where the prayer part comes in.

We don't want to put the cart before the horses so to speak so we are waiting and praying for God's good and perfect will to be reveled to us. We are asking every one to pray with us the focus of our prayer is "Not my will but Thine be done." We know that He is taking care of us as he always has and as he always will. We know that what ever the path He chooses for us He will make it all go smoothly.

Thank you everyone for your prayers.

Monday, April 5, 2010

Easter 2010

We had a wonderful day celebrating the Resurrection of our Lord Jesus Christ.

This year we watched, "The Passion of the Christ" with Caela and Cori, on Good Friday. It was a heartbreaking undertaking for all involved. I am sure it left a lasting impression on their young hearts. They are both amazing young women who are both becoming amazing women of God, we are very blessed to have them.

We were very lucky in that we got to spend this blessed day with both sets of grandparents.

We had a great day, and are very grateful for the wonderful blessings that God has given us. What an amazing gift the forgiveness of our sins truly is.

Better Late Than Never

Happy Birthday To My Baby Codee

Here is how we celbrated her 10th birthday. I can't believe she is already 10, it is amaizing how fast time goes by.

Our birthday girl at the zoo. This is what she wanted to do on her special day. I was a perfect day. We had to take Rice Crispy Treats because a cake was too hard.

As per her request we had homemade blueberry waffles for dinner. They were delicious.

All in all, I think she had a great day. We did as well as we got to spend the entire day together as a family reminicing about the day our precious Codee was born.

She is an amazing gift from God that we can not even begin to imagine our lives without. We thank God for her every day, and the special person she is. She has been a loud but wonderful blessing.

Monday, March 29, 2010

The Fox Family 4-1-1

As many of you know our landlord has been struggling through the foreclosure process. Well he finally lost and the house we are renting went back to the bank. This means that the Foxes will be moving. To where? We have no idea. We are thinking about getting out of the Queen Creek area and closer to more job opportunities for Chris. He has been without a job now for a year, but God is gracious and has provided for us in many many ways. Chris has had some odd jobs here and there, and I have been working part time. We are both in school;what an adventure and challenge this last year has been. I love how God chooses to run us through the ringer of purification. We know that God has a place for us, and are trusting him to reveal it to us at the proper time. We are thankful for all of this provisions and his love.

Matthew 6:25-34 NKJV

"Therefore I say to you, do not worry about your life, what you will eat or drink; nor about your body, what you will put on. Is not life more than food, and the body more than clothing? Look at the birds of the air, for they neither sow nor reap not gather into barns; yet your heavenly Father feeds them. Are you not of more value than they? Which of you by worrying can add one cubit to his stature?
"So why do you worry about clothing? Consider the lilies of the field, how they grow: they neither toil nor spin; and yet I say to you that even Solomon in all his glory was not arrayed like one of these. Now if God so clothes the grass of the field, which today is , and tomorrow is thrown into the oven, will He not much more clothe you, O you of little faith?
"Therefore do not worry, saying, 'What shall we eat?' or 'What shall we drink?' or 'What shall we wear?' For after all these things the Gentiles seek. For your heavenly Father knows that you need all these things. But seek first the kingdom of God and His righteousness, and all these things shall be added to you. Therefore do not worry about tomorrow, for tomorrow will worry about its own things. Sufficient for the day is its own trouble."

Thursday, March 11, 2010

Where do you find the time?

It seems these days that there are just not enough hours in My day to get it all done. I sit and read all these wonderful blogs from so many wonderful friends and family and I wonder.

Where do you guys find the time?

Maybe I am missing something.

Maybe I have a misconception of what your lives are truly like. Maybe you are blogging with a sink full of dishes and a love seat covered in unfolded laundry. Books, puzzles, and Legos are covering your family room floor too as you sit and take time for yourself and what is really important.

I am sure it is no surprise to most of you that I am a perfectionist. Oldest Child syndrome what can I say, not my fault I was born first, I'll just have to take that one up with the Man upstairs I suppose. My point in all of that was just this maybe I need to let go of perfect in my sense and grab on to a new perfect in God's sense.

After all what is perfect anyway?

From where I am sitting it is just an other reason for my continual failure; an unatainable standard and expectation of myself.

Oh, how I hate the feeling of needing worldly perfection.

Oh, how I long for allowing God to complete His perfection in me.

Friday, January 22, 2010

Sometimes It Pays Off

Ok I must start by sharing a tradition of our family. On birthdays in our house each member of our family has to say what they love about the special person of the day before we pray for dinner.

That being said, the other night out of no where and on no one's birthday Gabriel decided he wanted to say what he love about all of his sisters. His comments were very sweet and of course very 4 year old boyish. Well this started the ball rolling and soon Carisa wanted to say what she love about everybody. So one by one we went through our entire family. By the end of the session there wasn't a dry eye in the house, even daddy had tears rolling down his cheeks. Especially because of the final comment made by Carisa before the bedtime prayer.

Carisa said, "I am thankful for my family, because they fill my heart with love." For a seven year old she sure has it right.

It is moments like these as a mother that you know you have done something right. It was quite a change from earlier that same day. I as sick of telling children to stop being so mean to each other and to think about how they would feel if someone was doing that to them. I was at my wits end and God sent a blessing and a reminder that we truly need to have the "Heart of a Child."

I can only hope and pray that we begin to share more of these spontaneous moments of appreciation for each other, remembering how wonderful it is to have a family that truly knows how to love, even if we don't do it all the time.

I guess the forced say something nice about your sibling on their birthday has paid off.

Sunday, January 3, 2010

I am Back

Hi everyone, I am finally back to my blog, which I missed dearly. The last four months have been an adventure. I will be posting a New Year's letter soon.